Sunscape 2015

Event Details
Country: Malta, Gozo
Duration: 3 days
Event Start Date: 3rd July 2015
Event End Date: 5th July 2015
Event Type: Corporate
Event Type: Festival
Sustainability Policy: Yes and available on website
Infographics: Yes and available on website
Previous Stats: Yes and available on website
Below is a list of what our event is doing to make a difference!
- Sunscape Environmental Policy
- “Leave No Trace” Use the bins and encourage others
- Minimize your packaging, no disposables please!
- Recycle your resources, plastics, metal and compost!
- No butts, use the bins! Pocket butt bins available from the Susty info point
- “Bring Your Own Container” for food vendors – you get a discount!
- All food vendors have compostable containers – everything into the compost! Simple!
- Pick up anything not in a bin, remind litterers we are in this together
- Campers keep your space clean and sort your recycling bags into the bins
- All cleaning products must be biodegradable. Buy them from the Susty Info Point
- Educate yourself, encourage others and come together to make change!
Event Impact Statistics
This data counter collates data from this event and total amounts of the data categories and CO2 emissions savings.






Other Waste

Savings from Solar Power

CO2 Emissions Saved

Compost Toilets

Litres of Water Saved

Shared Transport

Number of 500ml Plastic Bottles Saved